Thursday 8 April 2021

08-04-21 Thursday - Reed Warbler

Temp 5 to 12°C. Sunny start but clouded over and appeared to get colder

Golden Plover
Reed Warbler
Pied Flycatcher
Redstart, Wheatear

8-4-21 Redstart, Duchess Park (Patrick Richards)

8-4-21 Nuthatch with mud at nesting hole, Blaise (Stephane Chadwick)

1 Buzzard, 7 Jay, 3 Blue Tit, 4 Great Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap (m), 3 Wren, 4 Nuthatch, 4 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 2 Robin, 2 Grey Wagtail

Eastville Park:
4 Willow Warbler

Eastville - garden:
1 Swallow

8-4-21 Redstart, Duchess Park (Steve Richardson)
Duchess Park:
2 Canada Geese, 2 Mute Swan, 42 Mallard, (8m,4f, 30 duckling), 20 Feral Pigeon, 3 Stoke Dove, 14 Woodpigeon, 3 Collared, 10 Moorhen, (7adult 3 chicks), 10 Coot, 2 Little Grebe, 5 Herring Gull, 2 LBB Gull, 1 Cormorant, 1 Grey Heron, 1 Buzzard, 3 Green Woodpecker, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Jay, 8 Magpie, 24 Jackdaw, 4 Carrion Crow, 1 Coal Tit, 8 Blue Tit, 4 Great Tit, 4 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Swallow, 4 Willow Warbler, 7 Chiffchaff, 4 Blackcap, 5 Wren, 1 Nuthatch, 7 Starling, 5 Blackbird, (3m, 2f),3 Song Thrush, 1 Mistle Thrush, 3 Robin, 1 Redstart (m), 25 House Sparrow, 6 Greenfinch, 11 Goldfinch, 2 (pr) Reed Bunting

Narroways Millenium Green:
1 Herring Gull, 2 Buzzard, 1 Raven, 1 Willow Warbler, 

1 Swallow


8-4-21 Mistle Thrush, Almondsbury (Vera Carpenter)
Almondsbury garden:
Mistle Thrush down from trees for the first time

8-4-21 Pied Flycatcher, Frampton Cotterell (Allan Chard)
Frampton Cotterell:
1 Song Thrush, 1 Pied Flycatcher, 150 Linnet
Stoke Gifford, Forty Acres NR:
Pied Flycatcher


Leigh Woods:
1 Marsh Tit, 1 f Siskin

Gordano Valley:
6 Canada Geese, 6 Tufted Duck, 4 Coot, 55 Herring Gull, 6 LBB Gull, 1 Green Woodpecker, 1 Raven, 6 Swallow, 2 Treecreeper, 2 Siskin

1 resident Swallow
8-4-21 Sparrowhawk, Nailsea (Rob Hawkridge)
Nailsea - garden:
1 Sparrowhawk - skulking visit.

Nailsea, Nowhere Wood:
1 Buzzard, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, ! Raven, 1 Blackcap, 3 Nuthatch

Sand Point:
2 Peregrine, 3 Swallow, 5 Chiffchaff, 5 Blackcap, 1 m Redstart, 1 Wheatear

Weston Airfield:
Swallows on passage, 1 Siberian Chiffchaff, 1 Reed Warbler


8-4-21 Mistle Thrush, Shire Valley (Peter Coslett)
Marshfield, Shire Valley:
3 Mallard, 1 Grey Heron, 3 Buzzard, 2 Green and 3 Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Raven, 2 Swallow, 3 Nuthatch, 1 Song Thrush, 7 Mistle Thrush, 1 Grey Wagtail, 2 Meadow Pipit

8-4-21 Siskin, Chew Stoke (Lucy Masters)
Chew Stoke garden:
8-4-21 Mistle Thrush chick, Compton Dando (Ian Stapp)
Compton Dando:
2 Mallard, 2 Stock Dove, 20 Woodpigeon, 4 Collared Dove, 4 Buzzard, 1 Little Owl, 1 Kingfisher, 2 Green Woodpecker, 4 Magpie, 12 Jackdaw, 60 Crows, 8 Rook, 2 Raven, 2 Chiffchaff, 5 Blackcap, 3 Wren, 1 Treecreeper, 5 Blackbird, 4 Song Thrush, 2 Mistle Thrush (1 chick), 30 House Sparrow, 5 Dunnock, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Pied Wagtail, 6 Chaffinch, 2 Greenfinch, 20 Goldfinch

Bath, Lansdown:
30+ Golden Plover

8-4-21 Mandarin, Bath (Rob Hargreaves)
Bath, Tucking Mill:

Mandarin, 1 Moorhen, 1 Little Grebe, 5 Buzzard, 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Peregrine, 2 Raven, 2 Marsh Tit, 3 Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap, 8 Nuthatch, 2 Treecreeper, 3 Song Thrush, 3 Grey Wagtail,  7 Chaffinch, 8 Goldfinch


Blagdon Lake:
2 Common Sandpiper, 1 Osprey

Chew Valley Lake:
11 Shelduck, 43 Shoveler, 350 Tufted Duck, 3 Scaup (f - ad & 2 1st sum), 12 Goldeneye, Little Grebe trilling, Sand Martin, 50 Swallow, 10 House Martin, 1 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 1 Reed Warbler, 4 Blackcap, 1 Grey Wagtail


Reports: Diana Bunniss, Stephanie Chadwick, Allan Chard, Peter Coslett, Chris Craig, Helen Daniels, Annie Davis, Paul Gregory, Patrick Hardyman, Rob Hargreaves, Pete Harrison, Rob Hawkridge, Matt Hull, MJ, Lucy Masters, Steve Richardson, Harvey Rose, Sova, Ian Stapp, Larry Sweetland, Howard Taffs, Martin Tayler, Chris Teague, Mike Thomas, Keith Vinicombe, blagdonlakebirds, nslbirding, opsbirding, severnsidebirds, TBOSG

Protection of nesting birds

For the next few months we will not be reporting birds falling under Schedule 1 protection, including photographs. We will still report birds in transit through Avon

‘Schedule 1’ generally refers to birds and their young, for which it is an offence to intentionally or recklessly disturb at, on or near an ‘active’ nest
The best way to understand disturbance, whether intentional or reckless (ie pursuing a course of action while consciously disregarding the fact that the action gives rise to a substantial and unjustifiable risk), is to think that it includes any action that causes a nesting Schedule 1 bird to behave differently to how it would behave if that individual wasn’t there.
This includes getting too close and flushing, alarming, or causing a nesting bird listed on Schedule 1 to stop what it was doing; and/or using a recording/tape lure that causes a nesting bird listed on Schedule 1 to react in any way at all – whether that behaviour is a ‘normal’ response to hearing the call or not.
It is not an excuse for a person to claim that they thought that no nesting activity was taking place

In basic terms if an individual does anything that intentionally or recklessly causes any of the birds listed below (whether a nesting adult or young in the nest) to change behaviour then that individual is breaking the law.

It is against the regulations to publish the whereabouts of nesting birds covered under Schedule 1. Please consider this when Tweeting your sightings and photos

For information on the law and photographing Schedule 1 birds please go here