Wednesday 16 March 2022

16-03-22 Wednesday - Lesser Redpoll

 Misty start followed by moderate to light rain and a moderate breeze - temp 1 to 9°C

Peregrine Falcon
Lesser Redpoll
Red Kite

Special notice:  There have been repeated instances of drone flying on The Downs and into the Avon Gorge. This activity is licensed by Bristol City Council. It is an offence to fly without a licence. Flying in a region where Peregrines nest is an offence under the wildlife and countryside act. Please contact Ben Scuse – the parks supervisor on 07557202844 if you notice anything. A report should also be filed with the police by phoning 101 as per Avon and Somerset police website under "report a wildlife crime"
16-03-22 Peregrine Falcon, Bath (@Bath Peregrines)

No reports


Avening Green:
2 Marsh Tit

Kingsgate Park:  2 Canada Geese, 2 Tufted Duck, 2 Little Grebe, 4+ Chiffchaff, 3 Blackcap 
- Brimsham Park: 3 Goosander, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker (drumming)  (f), 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap


Banwell (Winthill garden):
1 Stock Dove, 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers (m & f), 1 Nuthatch, 1 Treecreeper, 1 Brambling (f), 1 Bullfinch (m)


Wick (Riding Barn Hill:
1 Little Owl
16-02-22 Little Owl, Wick (Nigel Jones)
Keynsham (Manor Road Community Woodlands):
3 Woodpigeon, 1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Magpie, 16+ Rook, 9 Carrion Crow, 3 Blue Tit, 2 Great Tit, 9 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Chiffchaff, 14 Wren, 3 Blackbird, 10 Robin

1 Peregrine Falcon


Blagdon Lake:
1 Red Kite - 17:30 heading east

Chew Valley Lake
1 Egyptian Goose, 1 Lesser Redpoll (by Salt n’Malt)

Reports: @Bath Peregrines, Mark Collier, Chris Craig, Andrew Harrison, Nigel Jones, Fen Marshall, John Thorogood, Martin Wightman
blagdonlakebirds, CVRS, nslbirding, opsbirding, severnsidebirds, TBOSG