Thursday 17 March 2022

17-03-22 Thursday - Green Sandpiper

Temp 3 to 13°C. Lots of Sunshine, a fair Westerly breeze, and cloudy evening

Stock Dove
Avocet, Green Sandpiper
Mediterranean Gull, Ring-billed Gull
Red Kite, Merlin
Marsh Tit, Penduline Tit
Ring Ouzel

17-3-22 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Bittern Trail (George Stacey)

17-3-22 Peregrine, Avon Gorge (Steve Mac)
Avon Gorge:
3 Peregrine

Blaise Estate:
1 Buzzard, 1 Kingfisher, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Green Woodpecker, 5 Coal Tit, 4 Great Tit, 1 Long-tailed Tit,  1 Chiffchaff  singing, 1 Goldcrest, 7 Wren, 1 Nuthatch, 4 Blackbird, 6 Robin, 2 Dunnock, Goldfinch

7 Herring Gull, 3 LBB Gull, 5 Magpie, 1 Raven, 2 Marsh Tit, 2 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Greenfinch


Oldbury Power Station:
1 Barnacle Goose, 1 Greylag Goose, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Merlin (Pillhead Gout), 2 m/f Stonechat, 1 Siskin

17-3-22 Avocet, New Passage (Rosemary Setter)
New Passage:
23 Avocet

Frampton Cotterell, Tubbs Bottom Lane:
c.200 Stock Dove


Portbury Wharf:
3 Canada Geese, 1 Shelduck, 16 Gadwall, 2 Teal, 2 Tufted Duck, 3 Little Grebe, 15 BH Gull, 1 ad winter Mediterranean Gull, 1 Buzzard, 1 Kestrel, 1 Skylark, 2 Cetti's Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Pied Wagtail

Clevedon Moor:
Unconfirmed Ring Ouzel

Red Kite

Weston Airport:
Penduline Tit,


Compton Dando:
1 Little Owl
17-3-22 Chiffchaff, Keynsham (Andy Harrison)
Keynsham, Manor Road Community Woodlands:
15 Magpie, 11 Rook, 5 Great Tit, 2 Chiffchaff, 10 Wren, 4 Robin, 4 House Sparrow, 1 Chaffinch, 2 Goldfinch

17-3-22 Wren, Twerton (Rob Hargreaves)
Bath City Farm:
1 Stock Dove, 1 Collared Dove, 3 Chiffchaff, 1 Nuthatch, 2 Song Thrush, 12 Blackbird (party of 7), 1 Chaffinch, 8 Greenfinch, 6 Goldfinch


Chew Valley Lake

17-3-22 Reed Bunting, Picnic 2 (George Stacey)
Picnic Two:
1 m Reed Bunting

17-3-22 Treecreeper, Bittern Trail (George Stacey)
Bittern Trail:
2 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 1 Treecreeper

1 f Scaup

6 Little Egrets with 1 Cattle Egret, 1 Greater Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Nuthatch, 3 Chiffchaff

2 f Scaup, 1 f/juv Goosander, 1 Ring-billed Gull, 1 Sparrowhawk, 2 m/f Marsh Harrier, 7 Buzzard

Reports: Dru Brooke-Taylor, Diana Bunniss, Jane Cumming, Andy Davis, @framptonnature, Lee Gardiner, Rob Hargreaves, Andy Harrison, Peter Hazelwood, Rob Laughton, Steve Mac, Matthew Rogers, Rosemary Setter, Nigel Sluman, George Stacey, Glyn Watkins, blagdonlakebirds, opsbirding, severnsidebirds, TBOSG