Sunday 13 March 2022

13-3-22 Sunday - Mediterranean Gull

Temp 8 to 13 to 8°C. Some sun but mostly dull, rain in late afternoon

Barnacle Goose
Golden Plover
Mediterranean Gull
Sand Martin
Long-tailed Duck
13-3-22 Wheatear, Oldbury Gout (Heather England)

No reports

13-3-22 Peregrine, OPS (Heather England)
Oldbury Power Station and Gout:
11 Canada Geese, 1 Barnacle Goose, 45 Wigeon, 9 Teal, 1 Kestrel, 2 Peregrine, 6 Skylark, 2 Stonechat, 2 Wheatear
13-3-22 Common Gull, Kingsgate Park (Chris Teague)
Kingsgate Park:
BH Gull, Common Gull

Chipping Sodbury Common:
1 Green Woodpecker, 2 Raven, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Great Tit, 3 Skylark, 1 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Wren, 75 Redwing, 1 Wheatear, 1 Dunnock, 6 Chaffinch, 1 Bullfinch, 2 Goldfinch


Portishead, Weston Big Wood/Blackrock:
1 Peregrine, 53 Raven count Avon record

Long Ashton Bypass 15.00:
1 Red Kite heading south
13-3-22 Wheatear, Dowlais (Howard Taffs)
Dowlais: 17 Shoveler, 27 Teal, 10 Lapwing, 2 Snipe, 3 Wheatear
Channel View: 8 Sand Martin, 2 m Wheatear

Bristol International Airport:
30 Golden Plover


Hanham Hills:
Skylark, 4 Redwing, 2 Meadow Pipit

Chew Magna:
40 Greenfinch pre-roost, 1 Siskin

Bath, Bloomfield:
Tawny Owl hooting at 5am

Midford, Tucking Mill:
2 Little Grebe, 2 Buzzard, 1 Coal Tit, Chiffchaffs singing, 2 Goldcrest, 1 Nuthatch, 2 Grey Wagtail

16 Stock Dove, 2 BH Gull, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 60 Common Gull, 8 LBB Gull, 1 Sparrowhawk, 3 Buzzard, 20 Chaffinch, 7 Brambling, 25 Linnet


Barrow Gurney:
1 Mute Swan, 4 Pochard, 34 Tufted Duck, 1 Long-tailed Duck (tank2), 16 GC Grebe, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 63 Cormorant.

Chew Valley Lake
13-3-22 Goldcrest, Moreton (Raoul Chandrasakera)

Lots Tufted Duck, 13 Goldeneye, 1 Water Rail, 1 f . Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Long-tailed Tit, 2 Goldcrest
13-3-33 Great Crested Grebe, Stratford (NSLBirding)
2 f Scaup, 1 Water Rail, 1 Red Kite,  1 Buzzard, 1 Kingfisher

Herons Green:
6 displaying Goldeneye, 2 Little Grebe, 1 Reed Bunting (and two Brown Hares).  (No herons)
13-03-2022 Ring-billed Gull CVL (Gareth Jones)

13-03-2022 Ring-billed Gull CVL (Gareth Jones)

13-03-2022 Ring-billed Gull CVL (Gareth Jones)
Herriotts Bridge:
3 Shelduck, 2 Teal, 3 Gadwall, 4 Pintail, 38 Shoveler, 1 Water Rail heard, 20 Common Gull, 2 GBB Gull, 7+ Sand Martin.

Reports: Raoul Chandrasakera, Paul Chapman, Mark Coller, Jane Cumming, Alan Daniells, Andy Davis,  Heather England, Patrick Hancock, Adrian Hockey, Peter Hopkin, Gareth Jones, Rob Laughton, Brian Martin, Chris Mott, @NSLBirding, Dougie Richardson, Howard Taffs, Chris Teague, Jason Williams, blagdonlakebirds, opsbirding, severnsidebirds, TBOSG