Thursday 4 July 2024

04-07-24 Thursday - Cattle Egret

Temp 13°C to 19°C.  Overcast with sunny spells and a strong, blustery West wind.  No rain though.

Cattle Egret

Egyptian Geese with 7 goslings at Chew (Ian Stapp)

Stoke Park inc Duchess Pond:
1 Peregrine, 1 Sand Martin, 2 Reed Warbler.


Oldbury Power Station:
6 Curlew, 1 Dunlin, 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Sedge Warbler.


Clevedon - Highdale
6 Woodpigeon, 2 Magpie, 1 Jackdaw


Chew Magna
1 Hobby.

Blue Bowl Pub, West Harptree:
6+ House Martin.
Black-tailed Godwits at Herriotts pool  (Ian Stapp)

Chew Valley Lake
700 Common Swift -- Good passage, building up numbers towards lunch time. Counted 130 HGB, 70 Herriotts,, 80 Car Park, 2/Denny Island, 80 Walley Bank, 300 Nunnery point/Moreton bank, 50 Villice Bay.
14 Black-headed Gull, 16 LBB Gull, 3 Cormorant

At Herriotts Bridge there are 3 dead large gulls on the mud patch in the pool  - pos Bird Flu?

Sutton Bank:
raft of 43 Great Crested Grebe, Hobby..

600+ Swift. (over lake), 2 Collared Dove, 20+ Great Crested Grebe, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 1 Jay, 2 Raven, 2 Coal Tit, 5+ LT Tit, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Blackcap, 2 Song Thrush, 2 Pied Wagtail, 1 Reed Warbler.

1 Common Sandpiper, Hobby, 2 Sand Martin, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Sedge Warbler.

Herons Green:
150+ Canada Goose, 100+ Tufted Duck, 500+ Swift,2 Little Grebe, 4 Great Crested Grebe, 2 GBB Gull, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Cattle Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 5 Magpie, 30 House Martin, 20+ Swallow,  2 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Reed Warbler, 8 House Sparrow, 4 Pied Wagtail.

5 Pheasant, 20+ Woodpigeon, 2 Stock Dove, 5 GBB Gull, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Cattle Egret (fly-by), 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Tawny Owl (calling), 1 Kingfisher, 1 GS Woodpecker, 6 + LT Tit, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Reed Warbler, 2 Reed Bunting.    

1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron, 2 Hobby, 1 Sand Martin.

Herriotts Bridge:
2 Egyptian Goose (+ 7 goslings), 2 Shelduck (+ 4 ducklings), 2 Shoveler, 32+ Teal, 24+ Gadwall, 500+ Swift, 22 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Little Grebe, 5 Lapwing, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Green Sandpiper, 5 GBB Gull, 4 Great White Egret. 1 Little Egret, 4 Grey Heron, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Red Kite, 1 Peregrine, 2 Kingfisher,6 Jackdaw, 20+ House Martin, 12+ Swallow, 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Song Thrush (singing), 5 Pied Wagtail, 2 Reed Bunting.
Reported by:   Andy Davis, John Lewis, Nigel Povey, Ian Stapp, Larry Sweetland, all contributors to local WhatsApp groups,opsbirding