Thursday 1 August 2024

01-08-24 Thursday - Garganey, Common Scoter

Temp 20°C to 26°C - Started warm and rainy, then become very muggy. A light to moderate SW/WSW wind did little to cool it down. Blog will be updated by 9pm if people havnt melted and send more reports in.

Bar-tailed Godwit
Common Scoter
Common Tern
Osprey, Snipe


No reports.

01-08-24 GWE, OPS (Peter Hazelwood)
Oldbury Power Station:
1 Tufted Duck, 3 Green Sandpiper, 1 Great White Egret
01-08-24 Green Sandpipers, OPS (Peter Hazelwood)
Aust Warth/Sewage Works/Services:
6 Curlew, 1 Jay, 2 Raven, 2 Willow Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Whitethroat, 2 Stonechat, 15 Pied Wagtail, 1 Bullfinch

New Passage/Northwick Warth/Pilning Wetlands:
3 Teal, 1 Bar-tailed Godwit, 9 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Dunlin, 1 Snipe, 84 Redshank, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 2nd yr GBB Gull, 17 Little Egret, 2 Buzzard, 6 Kestrel (4 juvs), 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Yellow Wagtail

Severn Beach:
2 Green Woodpecker
01-08-24 Red Kite, Wickwar (Paul Sadley)
1 Red Kite

Garden: 2 Swift, 1 Green Woodpecker

Bradley Stoke:
1 Hobby over garden


Garden: 1 Herring Gull, 1 Magpie, 1 Jackdaw

2 juv Sparrowhawk


2 Red Kite


Blagdon Lake:
11 Egyptian Goose

Chew Valley Lake

01-08-24 Osprey, CVL (Tony Scott)
Picnic Site 2:
3 GBB Gull, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 4 Reed Warbler

Sutton Wick:
1m Common Scoter, 1 Common Tern

Herons Green:
2 Little Grebe, 1 Great White Egret, 1 Little Egret, 2 Willow Warbler (singing), 1 Sedge Warbler
01-08-24 Marsh Harrier, CVL (Chris Teague)
1m Common Scoter (same as above), 2 Stock Dove, 4 GBB Gull,  2 Osprey (same as above), 2 Great White Egret, 4 jay

2 Egyptian Geese, 1m Common Scoter (same as above), 2 Osprey (same as above), 1 Marsh Harrier, 1 Hobby
01-08-24 Ospreys, CVL (Ian Stapp)
Herriotts inc. Pool:
1 Black Swan, 8 Egyptian Goose, 1 Garganey, 2 Shoveler, 1m Common Scoter (same as above), 5 Lapwing, 4 Ringed Plover, 1 Dunlin, 8 Green Sandpiper, 1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Redshank, 5 GBB Gull, 2 Yellow-legged Gull, 3 Great White Egret, 4 Little Egret, 2 Osprey (same as above), 1 Kingfisher
01-08-24 Dunlin, CVL (Ian Stapp)
Reported by: 
Adam, Matt Coward, Chris Craig, Andy Davis, Simon Harding, Peter Hazelwood, Andy Mears, Nigel Milbourne, Nick Page, Nigel Povey, Ian Stapp, Paul Sadley, Tony Scott, Andy Stockhausen, Chris Teague,  blagdonlakebirds, CVRSopsbirdingsevernsidebirdsTBOSG