Sunday 5 March 2017

5 March '17 Sunday - Sand Martin

Rather wet day but summer here for birders as Sand Martins arrive

Waxwings at Bradley Stoke
Kittiwake at Severn Beach
Cattle Egret at Toghill Farm
Sand Martin at Chew

Swift (Lee Gardiner)
at Barrow last year but everywhere by May
St Andrews Park:
30 Redwing

St Annes, Nightingale Valley:
1 Dipper


Bradley Stoke, Willow Brook Tesco's, from 7.20:
15 Waxwings

5-3-17 Waxwing at Tesco's (Adam Rawson)
Now picking fallen berries
A38 south of Thornbury: 
10 Rooks foraging along the roadside gutters. A surprise to see Rooks away from their rural habitats

5-3-17 Kittiwake at Severn Beach (Dan White)
Blown in on the high morning winds
Severn Beach:
9 Ringed Plover, 6 Dunlin, 55 Turnstone, 17 Kittiwake

Tortworth Lake this PM: 
5 Teal, 4 Mallards, 6 Tufted Duck, 44 Coot, 1 Treecreeper, 1 Goldcrest, 3 Coal Tit

5-2-17 Dipper on River Chew (Lee Gardiner)
Chew/ Chew valley:
1 Dipper


Willsbridge Mill:
1 Buzzard, 3 Goldcrest, 6 Blackbird, 2 Goldfinch, 4 Bullfinch

Wick, Toghill Farm:
2 Cattle Egret
Peregrines in Bath (Hamish Smith)
Unfortunately not visible on the 24 hr camera
St John's Church: 2 Peregrine

Newton St Loe:
18 Teal, only 12 Mallard, 1 Cormorant, 4 Grey Heron, 4 Coot, 8 Moorhen, 23 Redwing

1 Green Woodpecker, 3 Goldcrest, 3 Coal Tit, 2 Treecreeper, 75 Redwing, 2 Bullfinch
Sewage Works: 2 Grey Wagtail, 25 Pied Wagtail


Blagdon Lake am: 
1 Egyptian Goose, 2 Scaup

5-3-17 Great Crested Grebe at Chew (Martin Tayler)
Chew Valley Lake:
1 Common Sandpiper

Herriotts End:
2 Sand Martin
5-3-17 Waxwing (Mrs Trellis)
Anyone recognise who this is?

Reports: Rich Andrews, Teresa Chard, Chris Craig, Lee Gardiner, Richard Giles, Patrick Hancock, Robert Hargreaves, Jonathan Mortin,  Lois Pryce, Adam Rawson,  Martin Tayler, Mrs Trellis, Thomas Weston, Dan White, Bath Peregrines, blagdonlakebirds, TBOSG