Dull and cold with rain later
Pos Siberian Chiffchaff
Black-necked Grebe
Jan 2019 Peregrine Falcon Bristol (Gill Sapsed) |
29-01-2019 Redwing St Andrews Park (Jon Mortin) |
St Andrews Park:
15 Redwing.
Montpelier, Narroways:
1 Raven - over, 6 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Song Thrush - singing, 2 Grey Wagtail.
29-01-2019 Starling Stoke Park (Pat Richards) |
Stoke Park, Duchess Pond:
3 Mallard, 1 Gray Heron, 1 Buzzard, 8 Moorhen, 1 Coot, 2 Stock Dove, 6 Woodpigeon, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 1 Jay, 5 Magpie, 17 Jackdaw, 2 Carrion Crow, 1 Coal Tit, 3 Blue Tit, 5 Great Tit, 1 Starling, 8 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 3 Robin, 2 Stonechat, 12 House Sparrow, 2 Bullfinch,1 Greenfinch, 7 Goldfinch.
St Anne's:
2 Blackcap - f &m taking it in turns on the feeders.
29-01-2019 Great Spotted Woodpecker Fishponds Garden (Allan Chard) |
Great Spotted Woodpecker - in the garden
Oldbury Power Station:
2 Sparrowhawk - displaying over Lagoon 2
29-01-2019 Starling murmuration New Passage - screen grab from an excellent twitter video (Lisa Presland) |
New Passage/Northwick:
Starling murmuration - over the house.
Severn Beach:
1 Blackcap f - no room for two!
Little Stoke:
1 Sparrowhawk - f
Emerson's Green, Science Park:
6 Teal - a first for this site, 1 Little Egret
2 Blackcap - f&m in the garden today.
Yatton, Wemberham lane:
60 Mute Swan (surprisingly flighty - sort of wild Mute Swans), 5 Teal, 2 Little Egret, 2 Buzzard, 2 Snipe, 1 Redshank, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Skylark and 1 Kestrel.
29-01-2019 Little Egret Willsbridge (Donna Harvey) |
1 Little Egret.
Walcot Gate:
1 Water Rail - into the garden - plus. Moorhen, 1 Green Woodpecker, 4 Coal Tit, Blue & Great Tit, Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Robin, House Sparrow, 9 Chaffinch, 7 Goldfinch,
St John's Church:
2 Peregrine - making themselves comfortable in the tower.
Chew Valley Lake
37+ Canada Goose, 44+ Mute Swan, 5 Wigeon, 26 Goldeneye, 1 Little Grebe, 2
Black-necked Grebe, 5 Grey Heron, 2 Buzzard, 20+ Snipe, 6 Great Black-backed Gull, 4 Collared Dove, 16 Jackdaw, 3 Cetti's Warbler, 2 Stonechat, 20 House Sparrows, 7 Pied Wagtail, 7 Bullfinch, 5 Reed Bunting.
1 Common Sand,
29-01-2019 Pos Siberian Chiffchaff Woodford (Ian Stapp) |
2 Raven, 1 Chiffchaff (
pos Siberian), 1 Treecreeper, 12 Fieldfare, 50 Redwing,
Heron's Green:
1 Grey Wagtail, 4 Goldfinch,
1 Water Rail - calling, 1 White Coot, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Jay, 2 Coal Tit, 5 Great Tit, 16 Long-tailed Tit, 7 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 1 Mistle Thrush, 2 Dunnock, 12+ Chaffinch,
29-01-2019 Pintail Herriotts Pool (Ian Stapp) |
12 Shelduck, 18 Pintail, 50+ Starling,
Last call please for any records that you want to be included in the 2018 Avon Bird Report. Entries must be in by Sunday 3rd.
Final list of rare birds that have not had a description submitted - please submit as soon as you can.
Leach's Petrel 1 03/01/2018 Severn Beach
Glaucous Gull 1 1st wint 03/01/2018 Severn Beach
Goshawk 1 ♂ 17/02/2018 Marshfield, Tormarton Rd, Newhouse Farm
Iceland Gull Present 07/04/2018 Sand Point
Hen Harrier 1 ♂ 12/04/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL)
Common Redpoll 1 15/04/2018 New Passage / Northwick Warth
Nightingale 1 19/04/2018 Wick
Goshawk 1 21/04/2018 New Passage / Northwick Warth
Common Redpoll 3 21/04/2018 New Passage / Northwick Warth
Turtle Dove 2 27/04/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL)
Spoonbill 1 13/05/2018 Oldbury Power Station (OPS)
Honey-buzzard 1 17/05/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Stratford
Nightjar 1 22/05/2018 Oldbury Power Station (OPS)
White Stork 1 01/07/2018 Bristol, Lawrence Weston Moor
Purple Heron 1 juv 24/07/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Main Reedbed
Cattle Egret 2 03/09/2018 Clevedon-Yeo (Cl-Y)
Purple Heron 1 juv 13/09/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Stratford
Cattle Egret 4 15/09/2018 Barrow Gurney Res. (BG)
Leach's Petrel 1 19/09/2018 Severn Beach
Great Skua 1 juv 23/09/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Stratford
Great Skua 1 24/09/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Nunnery Point
Hen Harrier 1 ringtail 05/10/2018 Sand Point
Yellow-browed Warbler 1 13/10/2018 Bristol, Southmead, Badock's Wood
Red-necked Grebe 1 13/10/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Villice
Bearded Tit 2 ♀ + ♂ 19/10/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Herriott's
Hen Harrier 1 21/10/2018 New Passage / Northwick Warth
Spoonbill 1 juv 21/10/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Denny Island
Whooper Swan 7 22/10/2018 Tortworth
Hen Harrier 1 ♂ 29/10/2018 Chew Valley Lake (CVL), Heron's Green
Cattle Egret 4 04/11/2018 Portbury Wharf (PW), Marsh/ Hide 2 & 3
Woodlark 2 18/11/2018 Aust, Services
Great Grey Shrike 1 22/03/2018 Acton Turville
Cattle Egret 4 10/12/2018 Blagdon Lake
Reports: Des Bowring, Allan Chard, Judy Copeland, Donna Harvey, Rod Holbrook, Rob Laughton, Glen Maddison, Jon Mortin, Lisa Presland, Adam Rawson, Pat Richards, Trevor Riddle, Gill Sapsed Ian Stapp,