Thursday 7 January 2016

Avon Bird Report 2015 - photo help required

Avon Bird Report 2015:
Harvey Rose, the Report Editor asked us if we knew of any decent photographers who could supply him with bird images for the 2015 Report.

We said that apart from Mrs Trellis, we couldn't think of anyone at all so he has asked us to post this message out to the Tribe:-

'Harvey Rose, the Report Editor is looking for bird photos to include in 2015 Report. If you have any that you think might be suitable please can you send them to Harvey.

In the first instance, only low resolution images are required but Harvey will come back to you for high resolution versions for those pictures that they decide to use'.

E-mail:  or

Post: via a CD/DVD to Arncliffe, Coast Rd, Walton Bay, Clevedon BS21 7FW.

Thanks everyone.